A Broken Family
December 29, 2024

A Broken Family

Join Pastor Peter as he continues through his study of Genesis. In this sermon he looks as the brokenness in Isaac’s family. What are family blessings? Is it good to hide things from your spouse? What about brotherly rivalry? Have a listen! “It’s not about the information you’re taking in, it’s the filter you’re taking it through.” -Pastor Peter “The head of the family has to have a clear vision.” -Pastor Peter “Satan didn’t tempt [Eve’s] intellect, he tempted her appetite.” -Pastor Peter “What is most dangerous about you and me is our appetites.” -Pastor Peter “Your fantasies and your nightmares are two sides of the same coin.” -Pastor Peter “What do you crave most in life? Wealth, success, sexuality, power, pleasure? What are the things that drive your heart more than anything else?” -Pastor Peter “What are the things that worry you the most? The things that keep you up at night? Those are the things that correspond to your greatest desires…” -Pastor Peter #brothers #calvarychapel #maranachurch #calvarymarana #maranaaz #brokenness #family #temptation #desire #pleasure #stoicism #buddhism #christianity #virtues #rational #startrek #lordoftherings

"...That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like Him in death...

- Philippians 3:10