Divine Romance
October 20, 2024
Peter's Sermon Notes

Divine Romance

Join Pastor Peter as he continues his study through Genesis. In Genesis chapter 24, Pastor Peter looks at the divine ceremony given in marriage- what it means for married couples and what it means for us as Christians. What a fascinating passage to study along with! “The Bible presents us with a mode of living that is eternal.” -Pastor Peter “Why [did] God institute marriage and why is it beautiful?” -Pastor Peter “The Old Testament shows a divine pattern that we can participate in; it all speak to Christ.” -Pastor Peter “Everything in your life is an act of worship. If it’s not worshipping God, it’s worshipping something lower…” -Pastor Peter “Our bodies are made to represent divine things.” -Pastor Peter “The Bible is restrictive with our sexuality because of the potency of our sexuality.” -Pastor Peter “The Church is engaged to Christ.” -Pastor Peter “Our sexuality is so pleasurable because it’s part of the divine pattern.” -Pastor Peter Ephesians 5, Genesis 1, John 15, John 14, Ephesians 1, 1 Thessalonians 4, 2 Thessalonians 1, Exodus 19, Song of Solomon 3, Revelation 19, 1 Corinthians 6, Psalm 16, Hebrews 11 #sexuality#calvarychapel#calvarymarana#bible#genesis#pleasure#joy#hope#truth#marana#maranaaz#tucson#marriage#wedding#divine#pattern

"...That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like Him in death...

- Philippians 3:10