Join one of Calvary Marana’s elders, Terry Rozema, as he preaches through James 5: 16-18, sharing a powerful sermon on the basics of prayer. How do we have an effective prayer life? Terry also shares what God has done in his own life through prayer. Enjoy! “Prayer and fasting need to be a part of our lives regularly so that when these things come, we are ready.” -Terry “Praying effectively is praying based on the promises of God.” -Terry “You can pray for these things with great confidence.” -Terry “I highly encourage you to spend time in the Word.” -Terry “Pray for God’s best in your life and in other’s lives around you.” -Terry “To pray effectively is to pray biblically.” -Terry “The most important part of prayer is spending time with God.” -Terry “Our job is just to pray.” -Terry “We’re robed, literally wrapped up in, Jesus Christ and His righteousness.” -Terry “Prayer matters.” -Terry #prayer #calvarychapel #calvarymarana #maranachurch #maranaaz #bible #effectiveprayer #prayerworks #teachustopray
Effective Prayer
January 5, 2025