Join Pastor Peter as he continues his study through the book of Genesis. Here, in chapter 22, Peter discusses one of the most confronting chapters in the Bible- when Abraham is asked by God to sacrifice his son. What is sacrifice? What is worship? Find this and more as you have a listen! “True faith will always be demonstrable.” -Pastor Peter “We notice barbarity and condemn the past.” -Pastor Peter “Every deity demanded the firstborn son.” -Pastor Peter “If we condemn Abraham in this passage we’re being arrogant.” -Pastor Peter “The Bible wasn’t written for you- in the sense it was written to a specific audience for a specific purpose.” – Pastor Peter “If you don’t understand the intended audience, you’ll miss the purpose.” -Pastor Peter “Worship means bowing down, lowering yourself to the object of higher value…” -Pastor Peter “The center of righteousness is worship.” (-Pastor Peter quoting Thomas Traherna) “Sacrificing that of lower value to the higher value is the right hierarchy of values.” -Pastor Peter “Because they sacrificed to something higher, they were benefitted by it.” -Pastor Peter “We think you can have everything you want and not sacrifice.” -Pastor Peter “What is the most valuable thing and what are we willing to sacrifice for it?” -Pastor Peter “Give a worthy sacrifice to that which is most worthy.” -Pastor Peter “If you feel guilty, you’re understanding that the life you’re leading is not a worthy one; it could be better.” -Pastor Peter “God wasn’t doing something new. H was doing away with something old.” -Pastor Peter “God is not just owed some of you; God is owed all of you.” -Pastor Peter “God is not worth innocence, but goodness.” -Pastor Peter “The first mention of ‘love’ is in Genesis 22; God was waiting for the adequate description of love, which is a father toward his son in the act of sacrifice.” -Pastor Peter “The pagans would blush because of how many we have sacrificed.” -Pastor Peter “God is the only being who can seek His own good and not fall to the sin of pride.” -Pastor Peter Jeremiah 32:35, Exodus 13:12-14, Hebrews 10:5-7, Hebrews 13, Hebrews 11:17-19, Romans 13, 1 John 4:8, 1 John 3:16, John 14, Philippians 2, Ezekiel 36:22 #bible #calvarychapel #calvarymarana #genesis #Abraham #sacrifice #value #worth #worship #gods #god #Jesus #trust #son #covenant #faith #firstborn #arrogant #guilty #valuable #marriage #marana #tucson #maranaaz
The Greatest Sacrifice
September 29, 2024